Good News! You can now study Medicine & Surgery and Engineering courses at the NBU

In addition to our existing programmes, we are pleased to inform the general public that admission into degree programmes of the 2024/2025 academic session is still ongoing for the following programmes:


Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences: 

  1. MBBS Medicine & Surgery
  2. B.NSc. Nursing Science
  3. B. MLS Medical Laboratory Science


Faculty of Engineering:

  1. B.Eng. Electrical Electronics 
  2. B.Eng. Mechatronics Engineering
  3. B.Eng. Computer Engineering
  4. B.Eng. Information & Communications Engineering.

To apply, please complete our EoI form by clicking on “Apply”, and we will get back to you in a moment.



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2024/2025 Admission is On-going

Be informed that admissions into our Degree programmes for the 2024/2025 Academic Session is on for both UTME and DE. Please visit our portal @