Prof Hakeem Fawehinmi is a Professor of Clinical Anatomy and Biomedical Anthropology. He is well rooted in the finest academic traditions and has a wealth of experience in Institutional Administration having been Two-time Head of Department of Anatomy (2005 – 2007; 2007 – 2009 Niger Delta University), Associate Dean (2010 – 2012) and Dean (2012 – 2014) Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences and two terms Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (2016 – 2020) of the University of Port Harcourt. He has served in several Statutory and Ad–hoc Committees and Boards, attributes which have equipped him with the requisite skills to provide leadership to a well-informed, articulate and growing academic community. 

Prof Hakeem Fawehinmi

The Vision of the Vice-Chancellor

With a focus on innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, the leadership aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for the evolving global landscape.

More than a Prof

He has been an active member of his National and International Professional Associations where he served as Secretary-General and Member of National Executive Council of the Nigerian Medical Association Rivers State from 1999 to 2000, Editor–in–Chief of the Journal of Anatomical Sciences and President of the Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomists of Nigeria (2014-2016). He has received many Academic and Community Service Awards and Prizes and is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland and Fellow of the Academy of Medicine Specialties of Nigeria.

Prof Fawehinmi has over 80 articles in reputable peer reviewed mostly indexed journals, visible in conventional academic search engines and 21 Conference Abstracts, to his credit He has participated and served as Resource Person in 78 Conferences, Workshops and Training Programmes in Africa, Europe, the Middle-East and North America. He has supervised over 100 BSc Projects, 19 MSc, 14 PhD / MD Dissertations and Thesis. He has attracted some National and International Competitive Grants as Principal Investigator and has been involved in the conceptualization and delivery of several MoUs and partnerships between Town and Gown locally and internationally. He has been External Examiner and Assessor to the Professoriate to almost all the first and second generation Universities in the 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria, including the University of Exeter United Kingdom and has led Visitation Panels of the National Universities Commission and the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria to several medical schools. He was recently cited in the 2021 Africa Scientist Rankings by the Alper – Doger Scientific Index. He is married to Hadeezat Omotayo Fawehinmi an Assistant Registrar with the University of Port Harcourt and they have 5 children..