About Us

Nigerian British University is a world-class private University poised to develop global competitiveness by employing technological innovation to ensure practical and relevant academic experiences. NBU is approved by the National Universities Commission(NUC) and was given license to operate as a private University on May 2022.

We Have One Goal

About NBU

Nigerian British University is a world-class private University poised to develop global competitiveness by employing technological innovation to ensure practical and relevant academic experiences. NBU was approved by National Universities Commission and was given a license to operate as a private University on May 2022.

We operate a British academic programme, that runs an on-campus and off-campus academic model established under a strong IT platform to provide our students with 24/7 online access to lecture materials even after it has been delivered, from anywhere in the world.

We have built international relationships that offer our students an intercontinental collaboration in project research works, journal publications, academic and industrial mentorship. Our lecturers are made up of renowned British academic professionals, who have led and championed strategic educational development in Europe and around the world.

We have provided state-of-the-art sports and social life facilities to ensure that our students enjoy the best campus life and extra curricula activities, by ensuring that each student actively participates in at least one sports club which includes, NBU golf club, NBU Football club et cetera. We have also provided a serene and secure nightlife environment for students to enjoy weekend activities like cinemas and concerts.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a world-class British University in Nigeria that is anchored on academic excellence and distinguished by a robust interface between research and industry.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop globally competitive graduates by offering proactive and distinctive research opportunities, a learning and professional mentoring environment with adequate international collaborations, as well as commitment to vibrant industrial engagement to ensure practical and relevant academic experiences.


Developing Potentials, We Trust’ is borne out of the vision of our university to achieve academic dynamism and distinctiveness, distinguished by proactive and unprecedented research, international partnership, vibrant links with businesses, and commitment to practical and excellent academic experiences.

Everyday at the Campions School is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.
Sarah Onoh — Parents
  • To Produce world-class graduates in different disciplines who are highly skilled and ethically conscious.
  • To provide academic mentorship to our graduates, make them useful towards solving present and future global problems.
  • Establishing a dynamic link with captains of industry and organizations with the goal of institutionalizing industrial training and research in our academic curricula.
  • To produce internationally acclaimed graduates.
  • Create and expand access to opportunities in education for physically challenged students.
  • Attract and retain quality students, researchers and teachers, thereby assisting in developing human capital and mitigating the brain drain currently in Nigeria.
  • Encourage and promote the advancement of learning without distinction of race, creed, sex, religion or political conviction by giving them the opportunity to acquire a university education.
  • To contribute to the research and development of engineering and technological knowledge.
  • Carry out basic and applied research that will lead to collaborative relationships with other academic and research institutions in Africa and the rest of the world.
  • Establish a centre for entrepreneurial studies to stimulate job creation and innovative abilities among our students.
  • Undertake other activities appropriate for teaching, research and community service that will enhance human capacity building
Our Logo
Royal Red Shield –

Symbol of wisdom and strength, a representation of the British foundation of our university’s academic approach. It is an expression of the core values our university intends to inculcate in its students aimed at producing globally competitive graduates.

An Open Book –

A symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. This shows that our university will deliver sound academic instructions that will build the critical minds of prospective graduates to become solutions to their world.

The Globe-

This symbolizes universality and versatility, evidence that our university will be far-reaching, aiming for a global repute as a source of knowledge.

Glowing Green Trapezium –

This is a representation of the commitment of NBU to academic distinctiveness and environmental preservation in Nigeria and globally.


Red – This is the representation of the courage of NBU’s academic dynamism. Red which also symbolizes love and passion, extols our university’s desire for the development of mankind through the expansion of knowledge as a veritable tool for the emancipation of people.

Blue –

This reflects the visionary teaching approach which our University shall uphold. Blue represents water and sky. Hence, our University shall contribute to the preservation of life and peace in the world.

Our Philosophy

The philosophy of our university is based on our core values of mentorship, academic dynamism, professional integrity, Equity and Diversity.

Our university has institutionalized these values to inspire self-motivation and excellence as a prerequisite for building an enviable professional career.